I live in Richmond Virginia. The James River is a big part of my life. It not only flows through the center of town, but is also the place I spend most of my summer. I have seen a bald eagle perched in a tree, I have seen a dragon fly emerge from it’s cocoon, I have seen bank swallows fly to their homes along the river, and I have seen a school of 3 foot carp. Every time I am on the river I notice something new and utterly amazing.
Because the James is located in a city, it is utilized by many people and respected by most. Unfortunately, there is debris along the banks of the river along with the wildlife. My family has always taught me to leave my environment cleaner than when I arrived. I spent two days kayaking down the river and collecting all the trash I could find. I had a little help from my family, and we all had fun!
· Date: May 28, 2007 · Views: 11338 · File size:43.5kb, 322.0kb · : 1500 x 1125 ·
Great that you cleaned up a place like that, somewhere you spend your summer and all. Watch your essay-writing though--there should be a comma after "Richmond", "dragonfly" is one word.