Nicodemus Wilderness Project
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Nicodemus Wilderness Project


NWP Global Registry of Apprentice Ecologists - Alcalde, New Mexico, USA

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Alcalde, New Mexico, USA
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Registered: December 2013
City/Town/Province: Santa Cruz
Posts: 1
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My personal background

My name is Celestino and I like to garden. We have a lot of plants in my home, we have: six kinds of mint, borage, tomatoes, razz-berries, rhubarb, grapes, strawberries, garlic chives, bell peppers, Jerusalem artichokes and chilies. We have non-food plants like clematis, wisteria, lilacs, roses, iris, tulips, marigolds, geraniums and money plants. And I have had my own cactus for two years. It has grown a few inches and the spines are very flexible.

I’m pretty upset by the bad stuff in our world. Just seeing how all these horrible things are in our food. It’s not just about the plants, but animals too. Like how they make chickens grow very fat and their legs break.

GMO’s are these chemical’s that people put in some food that make it bigger, but it makes it worse.

Why I chose to do this project

I chose this project because it has to do with plants. We’re doing the greenhouse so we can have a fundraiser and fresh school snacks. And so we know where our food is coming from.
Activities & Accomplishments

I’m working on this year’s greenhouse at my school, La Tierra. We’re trying to grow seeds that are not GMO. With the greenhouse we’re planning to get healthy snacks and have a fundraiser with our seed company. We have the responsibility of taking care of other living things, to learn about nature and taking care of animals and plants and also to learn more about ecology and plants.

Last year we did a greenhouse to learn more about how plants grow. We had good snacks like carrots, wheat grass juice, chard, sweet peas, good spinach and onions. We were in charge of watering and maintaining the green house and surrounding plants. We learned about permaculture, mulching and compost. We also made a school labyrinth and tasted cattail cookies. The cookies were made from nothing but cattails and water and they were sunbaked.

We started building this year’s greenhouse and we learned a lot of stuff, like why we’re building in this particular shape, mainly at a right angle at one bottom corner with a curve connecting the two ends, instead of a dome. We also built models to help us see what our finished greenhouse will look like. We’re built the entire frame so far, put up the PVC pipe and adobe mud bricks. And also in our classes we’ve talked about things that can happen to the greenhouse – rain and storms that can cause damage.

In school, we are starting a seed company “SUPER SEEDS”. We are still working on our green house, so we have not yet got our seeds out.

And at school went to a sustainability conference on October 28th at Northern New Mexico College. We saw several presentations by adults and students. Some students from our school also presented. We learned about how to be sustainable and why it is important. We got to see Dr. Vandana Shiva. She told us stories about seeds and talked about GMOs. She had a good presentation because she was interesting. We had a small lunch of salad, quinoa cakes and vegetarian tamales made with corn, squash, cheese and green chile. It was fun.

Why this is important to my community/area

This is about how to be healthy and eat good food that has no GMOs and also to get good, clean seeds that have no GMOs out into the public.

Benefits to the Community & Environment

Well, basically this is getting people to eat more healthy food, not junk food like potato chips. GMOs are modified plants so they’ll look really big. But they are not good for the planet or people because the stuff they genetically modify is somewhat toxic. Not to people, but to the world. It’s polluting our world.

How this has enriched my life

Last year we did a different greenhouse and I met a man who taught us a lot about this stuff – plants, life and all kinds of awesome stuff. This year we’re getting help from two different people that are helping us build our greenhouse and they are teaching us a lot of awesome stuff. It has helped me learn how to grow my own food.
Inspiration for future actions & activities
I hope to continue with this project at my school and also have a greenhouse of my own.
Date: December 30, 2013 Views: 5523 File size: 19.7kb, 2268.5kb : 3872 x 2592
Hours Volunteered: 24
Volunteers: 20
Authors Age & Age Range of Volunteers: 13 & 11 to 50
Area Restored for Native Wildlife (hectares): 0.4
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