Registered: December 2019 City/Town/Province: Bakersfield Posts: 1
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As a current leading National Honor Society officer, we take parts in many different forms and varieties. Throughout the helpful circumstances, the most apparent one is at Riverwalk Park, in Bakersfield California. We had about 25 members helping to pick up trash from around the park and even behind it where the Kern river is, which currently is dry. During this time, we covered much further than what the park actually was after venturing out to and past the dry riverbed where we found lots and lots of waste left. The ability to be able to conserve the area saving the countless creatures that inhabit our dear valley. The dry bed and the park are an environment for road runners, valley quail, cottontail rabbit, kit foxes, and so many more, all endangered by the Constant mess that surrounds their own ecosystem. Their habitats gone, all because of lazy people unable to pick up after themselves. Luckily, our amazing volunteers and I were able to clean up so much in such a short amount of time. Another event is even happening later today as I am writing this on December 22, 2019, where even more volunteers will be able to know what it is like to save our home.