Nicodemus Wilderness Project
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Nicodemus Wilderness Project


NWP Global Registry of Apprentice Ecologists - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
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Registered: April 2007
City/Town/Province: Oklahoma City
Posts: 4
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Geraldine Park

General Area

Geraldine Park is a fairly small but very relaxing park. The park is located about a mile away from my house surrounded by neighborhood which is partially mine. The park consists mainly of a playground area and a baseball diamond which is used mainly for high school and lower grade baseball practice. Besides the houses that surround the park there is forest area towards the back of the park but is gated off by a fence. Wildlife in the park consists mainly of local birds who find home and food in the park’s trees. There is some pine trees closer to the forest area. Besides the birds there is squirrels and even the occasional rabbit.

The Project

On the morning of Easter Sunday, April the 8th I entered the park at around 8:30 a.m. Initially I didn’t notice much trash but as I walked around the park’s fence which extends into empty barren-like land I found much trash to be collected along the fence line. Closer to the baseball diamond I collected a few items of trash including paper plates and paper cups. It looked as if people were having a picnic in the recent past. I also found a dirty old baseball or two around the area. As I progressed along the fence row I noticed that a family of four was approaching the park. At first I just concentrated on the project and minded my own business but as I approached closer one of the little boys asked me what I was doing. I promptly told him that I was cleaning up trash to help keep the park area nice and beautiful. The boy smiled and ran off to join his family. After I had collected about 2 bags of trash or roughly 30lbs of garbage I started to head back towards my car and the family. As I passed, the mother of the family asked me the same question of what I was doing. I told her that I was cleaning trash up around the park and I also explained to her that I was doing it for the grand Nicodemus Wilderness Project I had found over the internet. She continued to ask me questions about the project and how I had come across it. She then asked for the information in case her or someone she knows might want to participate. I directed her to, remembering the site. I also mentioned to her that this was only one project out of a series I was working on over the present time. Eventually she smiled and actually let me obtain some of her trash for my picture. Total time spent on this project was five hours.
· Date: April 10, 2007 · Views: 13936 · File size: 27.7kb, 194.2kb · : 1500 x 1125 ·
Hours Volunteered: 5
Volunteers: 1
Authors Age & Age Range of Volunteers: 19
Area Restored for Native Wildlife (hectares): 1
Trash Removed/Recycled from Environment (kg): 15
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