Registered: December 2013 City/Town/Province: Midway Posts: 2
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Animals of the Wetland
We must stand up and fight for the rights of our animals. They are not able to speak, that is why I am speaking on their behalf. They have rights just as we do. Their homes should not be destroyed for our personal convenience or financial gain. Increased development has split forests into fragments, shrinking the habitats for many species of wildlife, and cutting them off from resources in the rest of the ecosystem. Federal programs and resources often do not address ecosystems as a whole, to include wildlife habitat, watersheds, and other connected natural ecosystems. Wildlife habitats worldwide are being destroyed, degraded, or fragmented, all of which often lead to species becoming threatened or endangered. It is critical that we protect and restore forest ecosystems – which provide habitat and support hundreds of species. Establishing and protecting corridors that connect ecosystems also helps to provide wildlife with critical habitat. It is not only current habitats that are being lost, but future habitats as well. I have advocated for more acres of wetland areas in the Midway Region, which aims to preserve and protect wildlife habitat. Voices can only be heard if someone speaks out. My program has saved over a hundred animals, and have allowed them to live another day.