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Nicodemus Wilderness Project


NWP Global Registry of Apprentice Ecologists - Inland Township Park, Benzie County, Michigan, USA

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Inland Township Park, Benzie County, Michigan, USA
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Registered: December 2012
City/Town/Province: Interlochen
Posts: 1
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My Eagle Project
For my eagle project I made made part of a walking trail in Inland Township Park. The trail is long and I wasn't able to do all of it. The trail will go around the edge of the park, just inside the property boundary line. Since we didn't know where the boundary was we got a surveyor to mark it for us. We followed the surveyor and she told us where to put the stakes in to mark out the boundary. Part of the trail goes through a field so we transplanted trees to put along the trail there.
The trail winds through the trees. We did not put down mulch because it might be paved.
The benefits of the trail are for the community to have a place to go for recreation and exercise. People can walk, ride bikes, jog, and push strollers on the path.
Condition before we started working.
The Inland Township Park is a large park with a playground in it and sections where they have cleared out the trees and brush for basketball courts, soccer fields, and baseball fields. The back of the property has a bunch of old rotten stumps that have to be cleared out. The font is clear. One side has a lot of brush, blackberries. The other has thick scotch pines. Township said I could take out as many scotch pines as I wanted. But I need to try to preserve as many other large trees as I can.
The front parking lot where I’m supposed to transplant trees is clear. The trees are spruces and come from under a patch of maples in another part of the park.
There is no running water there. We will have to bring in water in buckets for the transplanted trees.
I’m not expecting to spend any money, everything is donated and work is all volunteer.
I might get a volunteer excavator to take out stumps, trees, help smooth the ground, etc.
The survey of the park was done by a surveyor. The township will pay her.
· Date: December 31, 2012 · Views: 6091 · File size: 20.4kb, 3649.2kb · : 4000 x 3000 ·
Hours Volunteered: 80
Volunteers: 17
Authors Age & Age Range of Volunteers: 17 & 10 to 50
Native Trees Planted: 35
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