Nicodemus Wilderness Project
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Nicodemus Wilderness Project


Photo Gallery of Invasive Vegetation Removal - Restoration Efforts of the Nicodemus Wilderness Project
[click any photo to enlarge]


Removal of Siberian elm that shades out native plants

Hauling away nonnative vegetation

Girdling nonnative trees and treating with nontoxic herbicide


Nonnative "tree of heaven" looks exotic because of its neon color in the desert

Volunteers work to remove exotic vegetation from native habitats

Nonnative trees are treated with nontoxic herbicide (marked blue for visibility)


Exotic vegetation is clipped out of the way so native vegetation can grow

Some areas are covered with exotic vegetation that crowds out native vegetation and habitat

Teams work together to systematically remove exotic plants and trees


All exotic vegetation cuttings are removed from the project site to prevent them from spreading

View of lower canyon after successful removal of exotic vegetation

Removal of nonnative vegetation has successfully allowed native vegetation and wildlife habitat to reestablish