Nicodemus Wilderness Project
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Nicodemus Wilderness Project


NWP Global Registry of Apprentice Ecologists - Miami Lakes Park, Miami, Florida, USA

Miami Lakes Park, Miami, Florida, USA
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Registered: February 2007
City/Town/Province: Miami, Miami-Dade County
Posts: 3
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The National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) is an organization designed to recognize exceptional students in career and technical education. It allows members to practice and enhance academic achievement, citizenship, leadership and workmanship skills, and apply those characteristics to the workforce industry. As president of the NTHS chapter, I suggested Miami Lakes Educational Center’s members to perform the Robert F. Nicodemus Wilderness Project at Miami Lakes Park. “What exactly is the Nicodemus Wilderness Project?” Glenda Algaze, RN, NTHS advisor and Health Academy Leader, said. To explain to secondary and postsecondary students about the Nicodemus Wilderness Project, I passed out pamphlets and examples of past projects I performed. In the end of the meeting, we agreed and felt excited to carry out the recreational assignment.

It was early Sunday morning, May 6, 2007 and members gathered at Miami Lakes Park. In plastic boxes we had our usual gloves, bags, sunscreen, snacks and bottles to start fresh. Birds sang and the weather was fairly warm. The town of Miami Lakes has a rich scene and people were already jogging and riding bicycles around the park. The entire city is filled with trees, shrubs and gorgeous flowers that add comfort to the urban scene. Children and parents played ball as we began to pick up litter. “You will be surprised with the things you find in this clean-looking park” I told the NTHS members as they examined the area. We collected a variety of small items including cigarettes and cigar packages, leaves, few papers and cans. At the end of the day, we pulled together a bag and a half. This is the cleanest park compared to projects I have performed in other parks, I thought to myself. Residents filled with interest as NTHS participants packed, and we took pride to explain the wilderness project and the national organization’s mission statement to make others aware of the unique Apprentice Ecologist Initiative. “This is a great idea” one resident said. “Taking action definitely influences us, local authorities and the city of Miami Lakes.”
Date: June 27, 2007 Views: 13267 File size: 22.1kb, 156.8kb : 640 x 480
Hours Volunteered: 30
Volunteers: 12
Authors Age & Age Range of Volunteers: 17 to 30
Area Restored for Native Wildlife (hectares): 1
Trash Removed/Recycled from Environment (kg): 15
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