Registered: December 2010 City/Town/Province: London Posts: 1
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Apprentice Ecologist Initiative Youth Scholarship Program
Clean Up Clarke
With the problems of energy resources becoming more limited and Global Warming, the planet Earth has quite a few obstacles to overcome. We humans have a significantly negative impact on the Earth and if the low level of respect we have for our planet remains constant, we will destroy it, despite the opinions of those who say “it won’t happen to me”, this will happen.
The Apprentice Ecologist Initiative Youth Scholarship Program helped inspire me to create and organize the Clean Up Clarke initiative which had a positive impact on the environment. The school I am currently attending (Clarke Road Secondary School) is known in London as a “dirty school” by other students and even some members of the community. Due to the poor reputation of my school, the poor reputation of the end of town I live in and the huge environmental problems that are occurring in the beautiful world we humans live in today, I felt obligated to be a proactive citizen and student and organize the Clean Up Clarke environmental clean-up activity. I understand that we humans need to take responsibility for what we are doing to this planet by pollution, littering and other negative impacts; we need to step up before our environmental issues on Earth escalate to a higher level. Therefore, I took action and organized an environmental clean-up of my school and the surrounding community. The clean-up was spread over the large back and front yard of Clarke Road Secondary School, a local arena property and the side streets within the school area.
Clean Up Clarke brought together members of the community and students of Clarke Road S.S. as we filled twenty-six garbage and recycling bags. While helping to clean our Earth we were also raising awareness as citizens watched us while driving by in their cars. There is a public school and a hockey arena in the area where Clean Up Clarke was conducted, therefore, it was quite important to the safety of the children who play in this area that we removed broken glass and other harmful garbage from premises. Also, the fact that children and teenagers witnessed the clean-up may influence them to help in the community as well and give them the idea that it is “cool” to help our Earth and reduce potential environmental dangers of the future, and truly anybody can make a difference in this world if they are determined enough to do so. Clean Up Clarke raised pride in the school and in the East London community and I know we made a significant positive impact as I was told the area looks incredibly cleaner by several people, including teachers, students and members of the community.
Through the Apprentice Ecologist Project I have become a more passionate individual regarding environmental and energy issues on our Earth. I have influenced others to join me and continue to, step-by-step, clean up and save our planet. As I will be in university next year I have recruited a student leader who will keep the Clean Up Clarke event alive and they have promised to pass the torch on to another leader when they leave the school. Consequently, I have begun a cycle which will continue and help make our world a better place and influence others to clean up and help the environment to be more “green” overall. Clean Up Clarke is just one example of how young citizens can make a difference and help our planet Earth; as I continue my environmental efforts, I will influence more and more people to create a world of caring individuals who will work together to stop our beautiful planet Earth from being destroyed.