1) I start at 9:44. I head to K-mart
2) I arrive 9:52 Bringing water, lunch, suntan, and a camera
3) We then leave K-mart at 10:20. I bought buying tongs (found near grills), garbage bags, and also latex gloves costing me an estimated $8
4) We arrive at the Kapolei Regional Park on the corner of Manawi and Kamokila in front of the Kapolei, HI 96707 police station at 10:30.
I ended up picking about ten gallons of trash at this park. Although not sounding like a lot it was due to the fact that most of the trash picked up was cigarette buds. This brings me to another point. It's that even though the government is nice enough to build this beautiful park people just take it for granted and litter. In all it took me 2 hours to pick up the litter. For just 2 hours of my time I know that I just gave dozens hours to enjoy the park with out it looking like a trash can. The reason I volunteered is because I care about people. For the people who read this know one thing that for every one person that helps it creates the littered place we call Earth into a place we can call a clean home. Not only did I think people would enjoy the park but I saw that after I cleaned it people were running bare foot through the grass then plopping down into the ground playing around. I am a 12 year old boy and I made a difference in the society and I know whoever you are you can too. I also before didn't really feel I was a part of the USA but now I can feel I am because I made an impact and now I am feel that I am part of a whole and not just a part of nothing. We all take things for granite. That's also why I volunteered because that park won't be there forever. Volunteering also gave me happiness and by knowing that I did something important to help it also gave me fulfillment. So make a difference and get out there and MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
The 5 W's
Why: Because I wanted to help!
When: 7/9/06 During summer vacation
Where: Kapolei Regional Park the corner of Manawi and Kamokila across from the Kapolei, HI 96707 police station
What: I helped by cleaning up a park
Who: Peter
Conclusion: Everyone can help
· Date: February 9, 2007 · Views: 22883 · File size:38.2kb, 572.2kb · : 1280 x 960 ·