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Nicodemus Wilderness Project


NWP Global Registry of Apprentice Ecologists - Santa Monica Beach, Los Angeles, California, USA

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Santa Monica Beach, Los Angeles, California, USA
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Registered: January 2007
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This group was a 2nd grade class at St. Joan of Arc School (Teacher: Pat).

The following essay was authored by Abby.

We got to Santa Monica Beach with the bus driver. When we were at the beach, it was fun picking up trash. My teacher, classmates and I cleaned with rubber gloves on and put the trash into bags. We found lots of trash like cigarettes, glass, and bottle caps. My classmates and I ate after we picked up trash. Then we played for a little while so we could have fun. I learned to pick up trash when you’re on the beach. I learned that when you go to the beach, you pick up trash with gloves and bags. Everyday, everywhere, people should not litter the ground.

The following essay was authored by Alex.

We went to Santa Monica Beach. When we got there, the beach looked dirty. A lot of people were living at the beach and it looked like they never cleaned up their mess. When my mom and I saw a blanket that a person lays on, we saw an empty wine bottle. My mother and I found a lot of cigarette butts. We used rubber gloves to pick up the trash. When we were close to the water, my friend, her mom, my mom and I picked up seaweed and we put it into the bag. When I got my second bag to fill, it was almost time for lunch. We used the restroom and washed our hands. We had to wash our hands because they were dirty from picking up trash and we had used the bathroom. Some classmates filled up their rubber gloves with sand and that was wasteful. We ate lunch on the beach. After we ate, we stayed on the beach and we saw greedy seagulls and dolphins in the water. I picked up some seashells to make something for my Nanna. When we got on the bus, we were quieter than when we were going there because we were sad. We were sad because we had to leave the beach and there was still more trash on the beach. I learned that when the seagulls don’t have food to eat, they get very greedy and they try to get our food. I also learned that when you litter, it feels like we’re not cared for.

The following essay was authored by Andrea.

We went to Santa Monica Beach. There were cigarettes in the sand. The fish are going to die because of all the cigarettes going into the sea. We were given four bags each and two pairs of plastic gloves. We picked up glass bottles, cigarettes and plastic. The beach looked cleaner when we finished picking up trash. I learned that you should not throw trash in the sea and you should not litter.

The following essay was authored by Chris.

We went to Santa Monica Beach to clean up. When we got there, I felt bad. I found fifty cigarettes and clothes. I liked cleaning up the litter. I got tired, but I kept on trying. I learned that you should not litter. I do not like to litter. I do not want to have the animals killed because it will be bad. The animals will think the trash is food and they will die.

The following essay was authored by Christopher.

We went to Santa Monica Beach to clean up. When we got to the beach, it was dirty. There was a lot of trash on the ground. We picked up many bags of trash. There were a lot of cigarettes on the beach. It was still dirty when we left the beach. We were tired. We should keep the environment clean! Don’t litter at the beach and don’t put cigarettes in the water! We should always keep our environment clean and not put trash in the water or else the animals in the ocean will die.

The following essay was authored by Donna.

We went on the bus to Santa Monica Beach. When we got to the beach, it was dirty and smelled bad. When we were cleaning up, there were glass bottles and bird feathers. When we were finished, the beach smelled good. Everybody was tired. It was fun. I learned not to throw trash on the ground.

The following essay was authored by Emma.

We went to Santa Monica Beach. There were lots of plastic and bottles. We found cigarettes. If the sea creatures eat the garbage, they will die. We will not be happy if the sea creatures die. If we let the sea creatures eat food left on the beach, we will be sad. After we cleaned up the beach, we felt slimy. We went back to the bus and all of us were tired. We went back to school. Then it was dismissal. We all had fun.

The following essay was authored by Genesis.

We went on the bus to Santa Monica Beach. When we got to the beach, we started to pick up trash. My mom and I said that it did not look dirty, but when we started to look, it was very dirty. The last time I went to the beach, I saw a dead jellyfish. My dad put it in a bag and I was sad. Now I know that we should not throw trash in the ocean and should always put it into a trashcan.

The following essay was authored by Jerod.

We went to Santa Monica Beach. The beach looked like there wasn’t that much trash. But when we started walking, we saw so much trash. There were so many cigarettes, even though it said no smoking on the trashcans. We put on rubber gloves. We picked up trash. We put the trash in bags to clean the environment. We ate lunch on the beach. We played around. When we had to leave, I was thinking that the beach was clean, but it really wasn’t. I learned that we have to keep our environment clean and never throw trash on the ground.

The following essay was authored by Jesse.

We went to Santa Monica Beach. We put on rubber gloves and picked up trash. We worked for two hours and we were exhausted. When we finished, the beach was still dirty. We were so tired, we didn’t get any homework. I learned that we should not litter.

The following essay was authored by Kari.

We went to Santa Monica Beach. When we got there, it was dirty. It smelled like old cheese, old fish and rotten eggs. We got bags, filled fifty bags with trash and the beach was still dirty when we finished. We found cigarettes, bottles and clothes. After we cleaned, some students were whining because they were tired. We took a break and ate lunch. I learned that trash on the beach could kill animals. I learned that we should not trash our environment.

The following essay was authored by Kaylen.

We went to Santa Monica Beach. When we first got to the beach, we did not see any trash. But when we started to walk around the beach, we saw lots of trash. Then we started putting on rubber gloves and getting our bags. When we were cleaning up, we saw lots of cigarettes, glass, clothes and paper. When we were finished, the beach was still not clean. I still saw trash, glass, paper and cigarettes in the sand. I was very tired, hot and hungry. I learned that we should not litter and we should keep our earth clean.

The following essay was authored by Lucy.

We went to Santa Monica Beach to clean up. When we got to the beach, it was dirty. When we cleaned at the beach, we put on rubber gloves and picked up more trash. When we picked up trash, we had 50 bags. As we worked, the beach was getting much cleaner. When we finished picking up the trash, we had an early lunch. We played all around, all over the beach and found seashells. My theme is to tell all of the people not to throw their trash on the ground or the sea because birds, animals, fish, shark, and whales will think that it’s food and they will die. I learned to throw our trash in the trashcan or the animals will die from it.

The following essay was authored by Max.

We went to Santa Monica Beach. When we got there, I almost fainted because there was so much trash. The beach smelled like fish. We were told to pick up all the trash and we did. We had teamwork. We found so much trash when we were walking. We picked up 50 bags of trash. When we were done, the beach was still dirty. We ate lunch on the beach and the seagulls were aggressive. While we were eating, we saw dolphins. I learned that you should never throw trash on the ground.

The following essay was authored by Melissa.

You should never throw trash on the floor. You should always throw trash in the garbage. When we got to Santa Monica Beach, it looked dirty. We saw clothes, glass bottles, rocks and juice bottles in the sand. When we were cleaning up, we were tired. I ate a lot of stuff for lunch. I learned from our trip that we should keep our city clean. Now, let’s tell people to keep our city clean.

The following essay was authored by Michael.

We went to Santa Monica Beach. When we got there, it was dirty. We walked and picked up trash. After we picked up 50 bags of trash, the beach was still dirty. We had a break and ate lunch. We saw a dolphin. Seagulls attacked us. I had a good time. I learned that you shouldn’t litter.

The following essay was authored by Milana.

When we got on the bus, we put on our seat belts. We got off the bus at Santa Monica Beach and we looked around. The beach was very dirty. It also smelled like fish. When we were cleaning up, we found cigarettes and we also cleaned up bottle caps. It was really gross. When we were finished, the beach was still dirty, even though we tried our very best. We went back on the bus. We zoomed to school. I learned that you should put your trash in the trashcan and that you should keep the environment clean wherever you go.

The following essay was authored by Paola.

We went to Santa Monica Beach. The beach looked dirty. It smelled like fish. We cleaned for two hours. We filled 50 bags with trash. The beach was still dirty. It looked like no one cared about the beach. I learned that we should not throw trash in the sand and we should keep our world clean.

The following essay was authored by Savannah.

We went on the bus to Santa Monica Beach. We saw cigarettes on the ground. There were boxes, socks, chips, glass and food on the ground. It was still dirty when we left. I learned that we should not throw trash in the sea.

The following essay was authored by Sean.

We went to Santa Monica Beach to clean up. We had to clean up to take care of the animals and fish so that they do not die. We had to clean up because we care about our community and God. We went to the bus to get our lunch. We ate our lunch on the beach and then we played. We left the beach and then the driver drove us to school.

The following essay was authored by Sofia.

We went on the bus to Santa Monica Beach. When we got to the beach, it looked clean. When we started to walk, it looked dirty. We picked up trash. We picked up 50 bags. We saw a lot of cigarettes. When we were done, the beach looked clean. We went to get our lunch. We ate lunch. We saw a lot of seagulls. The seagulls were bothering us while we ate. We watched the water. We saw a real dolphin and we played. We left and went back to school. I learned that you should never throw thrash in the ocean.

The following essay was authored by Vanessa.

We went to Santa Monica Beach. When we got there, it didn’t look like it was dirty. Then I found cigarettes, glass bottles, straws and plastic in the sand. I felt good when I was cleaning because I was helping the environment. We picked up 50 bags of trash and the beach was still dirty. We did a lot of work and after, we ate lunch. We saw dolphins. We were really tired, but we had fun. I learned that we should not litter. I also learned that we should not throw trash on the ground.

The following essay was authored by Victor.

We went to Santa Monica Beach. When we got there, it looked like the beach was clean, but when we walked, it was really dirty. Max and I found wine bottles, cans and paper. We picked up 50 bags of trash and the beach was still dirty. I learned that we should keep our environment clean and we should not litter.

The following essay was authored by Zach.

We went to Santa Monica Beach on the bus. When we got there, it was dirty. We cleaned up and saw glass and cigarettes. We got a break. When we finished, the beach was still dirty, even though we picked up 50 bags of trash. I learned that we should not litter in the ocean. The beach is supposed to be a fun place.
· Date: January 31, 2007 · Views: 15219 · File size: 16.2kb, 407.0kb · : 1650 x 1275 ·
Hours Volunteered: 75
Volunteers: 25
Authors Age & Age Range of Volunteers: 6 to 8
Area Restored for Native Wildlife (hectares): 4
Trash Removed/Recycled from Environment (kg): 125
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