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Nicodemus Wilderness Project


NWP Global Registry of Apprentice Ecologists - West Woodmen Urban Trail, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

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West Woodmen Urban Trail, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
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Registered: April 2009
City/Town/Province: Colorado Springs
Posts: 1
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I am Ian and, I recently moved to environmentally conscious Colorado from the very urban area of Miami. In the suburbs of Miami, no one ever really was outside doing physical activity (It was way too hot). There was trash rampant in the streets and nobody ever seemed to care. When I moved to Colorado, everything changed. People were hiking and climbing mountains, it was a very different atmosphere for me. In the past couple of years I have joined this group of active citizens. My school requires every student to have a set amount of community service hours in order to graduate. Living in Colorado, I wanted to be outside during the hours I was serving. I didn’t want to be cooped up in a small building moving things or cooking. I wanted to experience all the beauty Colorado had to offer. I wanted to have fun and be productive while doing my service.
I found a trail that seemed worthy of clean up and started out on my own. It was evident quite quickly that Colorado residents had already begun projects to clean up the environment. I saw signs documenting the endeavors of all kinds of groups that had been involved in all different types of projects to improve the environment.
At first glance, there appeared to be no trash and that it was a completely clean area with nothing wrong with it, however, everything is always different below the surface. There were all kinds of trash beneath bushes and down by the creek near the trail. I just went out looked everywhere for any kind of trash and picked up everything I could. The experience was quite relaxing at first because I was doing it by myself however it developed into an interesting experience once my friends arrived. I was able to have fun and socialize while I was doing work. It brought me to the conclusion that even the things that people don’t want to do could be made fun by having a good attitude and being with people you enjoy. I wish to continue this apprenticeship and find different sites but if there are two things I can take from those four hours I spent on the trail. A lot can be done if someone puts their mind to it, even a small step like mine can make a big difference and that life is always better when you spend the time and effort a clean and greener place. I encourage everyone to take the time to pick up stray trash anytime you are outdoors and continue to make this earth a better place.
· Date: April 22, 2009 · Views: 8462 · File size: 63.7kb, 409.6kb · : 1500 x 1125 ·
Hours Volunteered: 10
Volunteers: 4
Authors Age & Age Range of Volunteers: 16 to 17
Area Restored for Native Wildlife (hectares): N/A
Trash Removed/Recycled from Environment (kg): 13.5 kg
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