Nicodemus Wilderness Project
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Nicodemus Wilderness Project


NWP Global Registry of Apprentice Ecologists - Haramaya University, Haramaya, Ethiopia, Africa

Haramaya University, Haramaya, Ethiopia, Africa
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Registered: October 2008
City/Town/Province: Addis Ababa
Posts: 3
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‘The greater the effort the better the solution’ was our motto while we were conducting the cleaning campaign.

I am a vice president of the Haramaya University environmental protection and development club. The club has been contributing its due since its foundation and it performs different environmental related tasks and looks to see our world being a better place and its greater efforts to see the green beauty every where. Especially, our current Global issue which is causing remarkable loss in human life should be stopped by the efforts of every man kind.

As a good citizen of this world, I am providential to take my part in environmental related projects. The motto in the Nicodemus logo educating by example has put a bigger reflection in my mind to develop something valuable in my position I have in the club. Then this big intuition had to be turned into a wide circle which surrounds many of the club members and the university community.

Ethiopia is one of the most pointed countries in the world which millions of its peoples are exposed to serious illness and vulnerable diseases; due to environmental related problems, the hygiene system, the trash disposing and the water quality is very poor. Haramaya University is one of the largest higher institution which conduct different valuable and important researches in Ethiopia. Students from all parts of the country are enrolled in the campus.

On March 24, 2009 we plan to perform a campus wide cleaning campaign to promote the culture of cleaning to the university students which represent the whole parts of Ethiopia since it would be a message to reach every region through educated people.

Our challenges were many of the students were not familiar with such activity (a campus wide cleaning campaign by students), the university was very large to clean in a short period plus many trashes were disposed for a long period of time. Though all these were the challenges I had to be creative in attracting the minds of the students and the university administration to get all the cleaning materials ready.

Few days prior to our campaign, my colleagues and I posted announcements for the cleaning campaign on many strategic places in a good fashioned way. To make the event memorable we invited an environmental protection regional officer from the nearby town and she presented well explained information about nature preservation and cleaning methods to the university community and all participant volunteer students.

On the day of the cleaning campaign, the University Administration and development V. president presented a short message to open the campaign and soon we begun cleaning our campus. Me and many of the club members including interested volunteers totally 450 people participated in the cleaning. We collected all the trashes from the different spots selected and we truck them with the provided tractor and they were moved to the university dry trash disposing store. Many of the students were satisfied on what has been done; they saw the campus clean and beautiful.

After all, many were surprised on our work not for only just cleaning the school but also for promoting the culture of cleaning in the school community. Other clubs are now following the way we did to preserve our nature and reduce Global warming.

I believe now and the future many people learn and have better understanding about what must be done to care for the nature and keep their surrounding clean. Mainly, those who are victims of illness related with garbage’s cleaning will be their daily activity. The message through educated people will spread out through out the country and many of the people will make better solution and this might sound fascinating for every one. Especially to Organization like the Nicodemus which has been putting greater impression on the minds of many interested ecologists it is nice to let know others have an example.
Authored by Abraham Tesfaw,
Haramaya University,
· Date: April 21, 2009 · Views: 13578 · File size: 44.1kb, 356.5kb · : 1500 x 1125 ·
Hours Volunteered: 1575
Volunteers: 450
Authors Age & Age Range of Volunteers: 21 & 18 to 25
Area Restored for Native Wildlife (hectares): 9
Trash Removed/Recycled from Environment (kg): 750
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Registered: May 2009
City/Town/Province: Harar
Posts: 2
May 7, 2009 4:21pm

Dear Abraham,

Again that was so astonishing.
I am glad that the English club was part of it.........