We are about two hundred and fifty in our club. Our club is called Environmental Protection and Development Club (EPDC). We are making very good effort to make our world a better place and see the green beauty every where. I am V. president for the club. It was running for the past ten years but it was terminated for few years due to luck of management and this year with the help of senior students in the school we were able to resettle the club and I have been chosen to take the leading position by being the club's V. president.
After I got this position my motivation towards environment increased very much. Of course I care about the environment and I care about the "green things" and stop global warming. Since I am an agricultural economics student, I am really into it and have the echo. With this little position I thought to do something good and what comes to my mind was to plant trees around the school forest area, for this work I had to look for the bare land and seedlings to plant. After calculating what should I have to make ready for the work, the next step was to inform my university students; and I find out every body was in a rush for their exams and what comes to my mind was the millennium graduates and this was good time since our country was eight years back from the Gregorian calendar, and we were celebrating the Ethiopian millennium and when I share this to the club president he was also happy for the Idea and I spoke to all of the millennium graduate
committees. Their response was positive. Well we are match! Imagine when this peoples are one day looking back to what they have done when they were in school plus being a millennium graduate is a nice co- incidence and they were awake to this and thankful for raising such a beautiful Idea.
Afterwards what I had to do was to make ready the planting area and make a request to the school forestry administration. And they let me to use any amount of seedlings from the school and I informed this to some of the graduate committee members and we set up the planting date a week before their graduation. I had also an Idea to invite the school community and I invited the university president and stuffs to take part in the program.
On the day of the planting, I thought It would be nice If we could plant about five hundred tall grown plants such as Jacaranda, Ethiopian Juniper and gun tree but on later as the forestry administration recorded, our team has taken and planted about one thousand and forty three seedlings and this was planted by three hundred fifty four Ethiopian millennium graduate students and other twenty two interested individuals and the University vice president and the student dean were glad to be with us and they planted two seedlings each and they showed to be model for other students and appreciated what we did.
This was great thing done with my involvement and leadership position and we were a big issue in the university for some time and I got good courage from different individuals and teachers.
I am still a V. president for the club for the coming two years until my graduation and I have two years left to do it and I am planning to do so much more in this great time of college life and love to hear courage and support.
Abraham Tesfaw,
EPDC V. president,
Haramaya University,
· Date: October 14, 2008 · Views: 14931 · File size:37.8kb, 303.9kb · : 1500 x 1125 ·
Registered: May 2009 City/Town/Province: Harar Posts: 2
May 7, 2009 4:11pm
Dear Abraham,
Thanks for your generosity on providing me with the information about this site which I found to be far more interesting than I thought it would be.
Your essay was so expressive of what we clubs of Haramaya university are doing and you deserved the competition trophies for that.
Well I hope you found last weeks (May 2,2009) clean up duty interesting, because "English club" also tried to get Haramaya University clean and net from the "Siberia road" to the "Model school".
Keep up the good job;
Registered: January 2010 City/Town/Province: IKOT ABASI Posts: 1
January 23, 2010 1:02pm
I appreciate your work, keep it up. I run an NGO in Nigeria (Foundation for Environmental Ethics and Development). I hope you join hands with me to promote a cleaner world.