Registered: December 2024 City/Town/Province: Rock Hill Posts: 1
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Personal Background and Area of Project: Growing up in Rock Hill, South Carolina, I have always been exposed to the beauty of the town's nature and wildlife, so seeing trash on the sides of our roads disappoints me and sparks my passion to do something about it. During the first semester of my sophomore year at Rock Hill High School (November 9, 2024, to be exact), my high school's Beta Club chapter hosted a street cleanup for Springdale Road in front of the school. I jumped at this opportunity because I could contribute to an environmental cause that helps the ecosystem; keep a school area clean and contribute to the Nicodemus Wilderness Project, which stands for youth tackling environmental problems with their leadership and knowledge. The Details: At this event, I participated in cleaning the area alongside the road (picking up trash and road debris). The group I was with had about three hours to clean as much as possible. In that time, we gathered loads of debris and trash from the road. In my group, I helped to guide and direct people to specific areas and warned everyone of passing cars. I felt very proud to be leading people in such a positive action. Importance and Community/Environmental Benefits: The importance of cleaning this road outside of my high school is that our everyday environment for school is becoming healthier by removing trash that can harm wildlife. Doing things like cleaning up trash is one part of helping restore balance to healthy ecosystems; removing the harmful factors humans have placed in them. Many parts of the ecosystem are still damaged, but removing trash is the main part I can help with, so I did. With my effort to clean the road, the Rock Hill, SC ecosystem is another step closer to being healthier and more sustainable. This cleaning also helps my high school have a cleaner look and betters the appearance of the town in general when we have visitors at our school. Apprentice Ecologist Project and the Impact In My Life: In sum, through this project at my school, I have been left with a deeper passion for helping the ecosystem of Rock Hill, SC. I now know that I want to start a club or organization in Rock Hill, SC for all the youth who want to participate in climate and ecosystem action to better the town. Additionally, I have a newfound passion for empowering more youth to apply themselves to environmental problems where they see they can help.