Nicodemus Wilderness Project
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Nicodemus Wilderness Project


NWP Global Registry of Apprentice Ecologists - Adam's Park, Logan, Utah, USA

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Adam's Park, Logan, Utah, USA
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Registered: October 2021
City/Town/Province: North Logan
Posts: 1
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It was the afternoon of October 25th and my friends and I laughed as we pulled up to Adams Park in east Logan, Utah. We examined the park and saw tree branches and entire trees broken and covering the ground. I knew, of course, that all of this damage was caused by the recent snow storm that dropped around four inches of snow on trees still bearing leaves. Everyone who had come was waiting for us in the pavilion in the center of the park. I explained the plan and everyone separated into teams of three to begin working. Our goal was to clean all of the branches and what trees were possible to the park strips where City clean up crews could come and pick up the debris. The Park itself covers about two acres. We worked for about three hours cleaning up this park, until everyone was sweaty (despite the cold), tired, and the park was clean. Even as we worked and each segment of the pathways snaking through the park opened up people began to use them. From these complete strangers we were receiving thanks and other words of encouragement. As we gathered, again in the pavilion, I invited everyone to take some of the donuts, graciously donated by a local investment firm, and we discussed why the project was important and what the implications of the event were and why we would do a project in the name of the Nicodemus Wilderness Project. I was then asked to give a word about the project and its impact to the school paper. That’s how the project ended, everyone walking back to their cars, wet and dirty, but pleased with the work and thoughts of climate and community on the mind.

The event I experienced above was the Adam’s Park clean-up that I organized with the City of Logan and executed with my fellow students. I am a student at Utah State University in my freshman year. I am a double major in Wildlife Ecology and Management and Rangeland Ecology and Management. Wildlife and the lands they make their habitats are my passion and always have been. I was raised in wild places and taught to understand and appreciate them by my family. They taught me the vitality of these wild places for the wellbeing of the planet and for the health and strength of the human spirit. I have always found small ways to act upon my love and desire for stewardship; I would pick up litter, volunteer with local organizations, and educate myself and others on the necessity for these spaces. However; I found myself wanting to do more for my wildlife and my community.

One day while searching for scholarships to help me pay for school I came across the Nicodemus Wilderness Project. Within the website I found the opportunity for not only a scholarship but for a service project. My interest peaked, I looked deeper into the organization and found it to be a place where young people, like myself, can find others passionate about the environment and see how everyone is taking their situation and creating a platform and a project to serve their communities. From there I started planning my contribution to this story. I was contacted by the Parks Department and they offered me the opportunity to clean up the park. I immediately agreed and knew the area well as a place where I often go to study or bird watch. I reached out to several clubs on campus all based around the environment and everyone agreed to advertise the project to their club members and get the word out. Then we cleaned the park.

The initial impacts of the clean up were felt even before we had finished. A park that had sat covered in layers of branches, unused, was already seeing people out enjoying the area. The impacts have lasted for over a month now and the park looks excellent, still busy even as the weather gets colder and people are far less willing to enjoy the outdoors. The longer impacts are on me. Personally, as I worked with my fellows and found my thoughts drifting towards the project and how satisfying the work was, I began to think about why it was snowing in October and now in November there has been no further snow to date and record high temperatures for this time of year. My thoughts lingered on the very real impacts of climate change. I brought this up over donuts and everyone took a moment to consider. A few expressed their disbelief in the concept and our discussion began. We talked about the evidence for climate change and how we see the impacts become more pronounced yearly. Each person thought of ways that we could help protect the environment and, however small the impact, each do our part to keep the planet cooler. That talk and the unwritten goals we each expressed have become a far more conscious part of my life. The second larger impact is a new found appreciation for parks. This particular park is about a 15-minute drive from the mouth of Logan Canyon, a popular recreation area, it is still a vital connection for the community to nature. The Park is a popular space for migrating birds to rest as they journey and houses small rodents and other animals year-round. I realized, even if the public may not, that these spaces are a small convenient way to interact with wildlife and gain an appreciation for wildlands.

I am grateful to have done the project and to have been inspired to action by the Nicodemus Wilderness Project. I am happy to say that it has caused a chain reaction within me, I am finding myself at every environmental service project offered in the college. On top of this I have organized other projects in conjunction with the state wildlife agency and the Forest Service. I am a better person for the project, far more a steward, putting action behind my passion, and using these situations to educate and be educated.
· Date: November 17, 2021 · Views: 3458 · File size: 18.5kb, 467.1kb · : 1920 x 1080 ·
Hours Volunteered: 45
Volunteers: 15
Authors Age & Age Range of Volunteers: 18 & 16-21
Area Restored for Native Wildlife (hectares): 1`
Trash Removed/Recycled from Environment (kg): 50
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