Nicodemus Wilderness Project
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Nicodemus Wilderness Project


NWP Global Registry of Apprentice Ecologists - Westside High School Prairie, Houston, Texas, USA

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Westside High School Prairie, Houston, Texas, USA
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Registered: December 2018
City/Town/Province: Houston
Posts: 1
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After learning about the decline of bee populations, I wondered what I could do to make a change. After all, I knew that they were essential to our agriculture and ecosystem, but I wanted to let the people around me know as well. I embarked on a journey of my project, Bee Helpful, which consisted of many components. I had volunteers assemble packets of wildflower seeds, build bee houses, teach others about the role bees play in our crops, and plant wildflowers in my school's prairie. In addition, I also placed a watering hole equipped with a solar powered pump so that bees would have a water source. My project had many parts to it, each dedicated to supporting bee populations.
Other than the hours of research spent on the project, the actual project consisted of many things. First, I had volunteers place spoonfuls of wildflower seeds into a Ziploc bag and staple a paper on it, explaining my project and how to plant the seeds. These packets would be passed around my entire school and surrounding communities. I also had a few volunteers build bee houses, especially since winter was approaching and solitary bees would need shelter from the cold. The next part of my project was an educational panel during my school's lunch with an activity meant to teach the role of bees in agriculture. The game was to correctly sort which of the assorted fruits and vegetables were dependent on bees. As people sorted these crops out, they found out that without bees, many of their favorite foods would disappear. This prompted people to take action and take some seed packets which I had assembled earlier. I had volunteers at the table with me so that they could learn from the experience as well. Finally, the day the volunteers and I went out into the prairie was busy. First we had to clear the land to prepare it for planting seeds. Then, we planted the seeds and stomped them into the ground. Some volunteers were hanging up the bee houses we created onto the trees in our prairie. It was a lot of hard work, but it was worth it knowing that I would be helping local bee populations.
My project was really important to me because it showed me that one person can make a big change in their community. It brought out the leader in me and showed me what I was passionate about: protecting the environment. I believe it's important to maintain the world we live in, and that starts with supporting the pollinators that support our crops: bees.

Visit my website for more!
· Date: December 31, 2018 · Views: 6094 · File size: 20.7kb, 87.3kb · : 512 x 384 ·
Hours Volunteered: 120
Volunteers: 39
Authors Age & Age Range of Volunteers: 17 & 14-18
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