Registered: April 2018 City/Town/Province: Highlands Ranch Posts: 1
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Every day, students purchase excessive plastic water bottles. Although water refill stations exist, students and staff do not utilize their full potential and immense plastic waste permeates the school every single day. Ban the Bottle aimed to educate the student body on negative health effects of bottled water, impacts of single-use products, and to introduce an eco-friendly, reusable water bottle. Plastic has many negative impacts on human and environmental health, as it often lacks subjection to the same high regulations as tap water. Plastic bottles contain many chemicals, including BPA, phthalates, and many others. Fifty percent of single use plastic items are immediately thrown away amounting in fifty million water bottles of trash per year. Ban the Bottle educated students about these detrimental effects through posters and PSA's. Many students do not realize the implications their decisions have. Individuals use plastic because of prevalence, convenience, and the lack of alternatives. By providing information and an alternative, this project advocated smart consumerism. Our solution to gradually replace plastic water bottles with reusable ones sold in our school store creates a simply better option. Using a school district grant of $4,500, we designed and ordered stainless steel, BPA free water bottles from Klean Kanteen, a company that promotes education and awareness. As a 1% For the Planet Member, the company contributes more than $1.5 million to environmental organizations.
In order to track the progress of this project, we collected data from the refillable water stations during the months before the sale of the water bottles and after to determine a percent increase in their use. The revenue from the water bottle sales will go towards reordering more reusable water bottles in the future to ensure a sustainable and lasting difference in our school.