Nicodemus Wilderness Project
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Nicodemus Wilderness Project


NWP Global Registry of Apprentice Ecologists - Dutch Fork Middle School, Irmo, South Carolina, USA

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Dutch Fork Middle School, Irmo, South Carolina, USA


Registered: December 2017
Posts: 1
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Instead of telling you the biggest project I have ever done, I am going to tell you where it all began.

It all started when my middle school playground dramatically transformed from a concrete jungle into an expansive desertous plain. The location change was due to construction. The school intended to keep us out of harm's way, but they were sadly mistaken when they picked that field as our new play place. Because of construction, the field had been littered with fragments of concrete, glass bottles, plastic bags, rusted pipes, and much more. My classmates did not better the situation by littering the ground with their plastic sandwich bags, soda cans, milk cartons, and chip bags. What once was a pristine desert like field had now become a landfill. I grew frustrated with peers because instead of picking up their garbage, they would hit each other with it. I finally came to the conclusion that the state of this field was no longer tolerable. Something needed to be done, and the only one that seemed to think so was me.

With my concerns neatly typed, I went to the principal in order to gain some support behind my movement to clean the field. I explained to him the state of our current place place. I explained how our one trash can had been infested by hornets and needed to be replaced. I also explained that the location of the said trash can was not easily accessible. I pleaded with the principal to provide a few trash cans in order to reduce waste littering the ground. Much to my dismay the principal declined my partnership. He said I would have to obtain these resources on my own.

Though disappointed, I was not defeated. I knew that I could make a difference, I just needed an opportunity. I went home later that night and asked my mother for some trash bags and gloves, but at that time we could not afford to use our own resources. Instead of giving up, I came with an alternative plan. The next day before recess I went to the janitor to ask for some supplies. They were hesitant at first, but once I informed them of my purpose they provided me with a plethora of bags and gloves.

With my stash of trash bags and gloves, I proudly marched down to the field. All eyes were on me at this time. Whispers were exchanged and no one knew what to make of me. I ignored them. I wasn't afraid of what I was doing because I knew I was doing the right thing.

With that in mind, I slipped my black latex gloves on and proceeded to pick of every piece of trash and construction wreckage in sight. Days passed and I soon obtained the name "trash girl". My only thought was ," I've gone viral." I hadn't actually gone viral, but I was gaining popularity for my cause. By the third day 3 people volunteered to help me. They agreed with my that the state of the field was unacceptable. We divided and conquered that field. By the fourth day I had cheerleaders offering to help. With their influence over they student body I was able to obtain the assistance of football players, student council members and many more. By the end of the week I had 15 helpers. I was so proud of my ability to rally a group of people for a common cause. I was so proud because I wasn't doing this because it was required to graduate high school. I wasn't doing this because someone asked me to. I wasn't doing this to gain anything for myself. I did it because it was the right thing to do.

This project was the first stepping stone towards a more environmentally lifestyle. This project has also shown me that I can contribute to my community even though I may lack the necessary funds. There are always alternative methods. This project had inspired me to take on greater challenges such as cemetery clean up, river restoration, and many other projects. Because of these other projects, I have found a love for science and progression. I am grateful that I was able to make a difference and take care of our earth all in one.
· Date: December 30, 2017 · Views: 2617 · File size: 37.6kb · : 350 x 263 ·
Hours Volunteered: 15
Volunteers: 15
Authors Age & Age Range of Volunteers: 13-14
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