Nicodemus Wilderness Project
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Nicodemus Wilderness Project


NWP Global Registry of Apprentice Ecologists - Arlington Echo Outdoor Education Center, Millersville, MD, USA

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Arlington Echo Outdoor Education Center, Millersville, MD, USA
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Registered: June 2016
City/Town/Province: Davidsonville
Posts: 1
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After learning more about the environment in my AP Environmental Science class, I wanted to take charge and make a difference in our environment and subsequently our community. By promoting education about the environment to children, something that is sorely needed by the watershed stewards program, I was able to achieve this goal.
My project was to create activities and other educational tools and resources for use by Arlington Echo Outdoor Education Center and Watershed Stewards program. The Watershed Stewards program previously only focused on adult education. My project institutes a comparable program for school age children. Every Kindergartener in Anne Arundel County visits Camp Woodlands (approximately 5,522 students) and every fourth grader in Anne Arundel County visits Arlington Echo (approximately 5,495 students); where my activities will be used.
I worked with my teacher team members, Susan Madden and Julie Jones, to develop environmental education activities for Elementary aged children. I researched and located additional activities, assembling these into organized labeled bins. I then created a PDF with the information and activities I planned. Each bin I created includes a lesson plan and coordinating activity (developed with Elementary School teachers) such as a craft or game that demonstrate the environmental concept portrayed in the lesson. These activities help reinforce these concepts in the lessons as children learn better through doing. My project has already been approved for a Gold Award by Girl Scouts of Central Maryland and I will receive my Gold Award this spring.
Since my project will be used at different fairs and events by Arlington Echo Watershed Stewards staff to educate school age children, the impact will be the knowledge about the environment gained by the children. Arlington Echo will also continue to administer anonymous surveys about the program. The activity bins and corresponding instructions will be used repeatedly by the Arlington Echo Staff. Additional activities will be easily accessible to the public through the website and CDs/thumbdrives. The children who participate in these activities will learn age appropriate information about the environment, including specific information relating to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed region and will carry this knowledge with them. In addition to presenting my project to my service unit, I plan to advertise the Watershed Stewards Education Program with posters at the Anne Arundel County Libraries.
After learning more about the environment in my AP Environmental Science class, I wanted to take charge and make a difference in our environment and subsequently our community. By promoting education about the environment to children, something that is sorely needed by the watershed stewards program, I was able to achieve this goal.
· Date: June 15, 2016 · Views: 8195 · File size: 14.9kb, 1503.0kb · : 3264 x 2448 ·
Hours Volunteered: 100
Volunteers: 1
Authors Age & Age Range of Volunteers: 17
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nawaz niazi

Registered: June 2016
City/Town/Province: punjab pakistan
Posts: 2
June 28, 2016 6:19am

Nice work... Keep it up