Nicodemus Wilderness Project
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Nicodemus Wilderness Project


NWP Global Registry of Apprentice Ecologists - Local Woodlands, Boothwyn, Pennsylvania, USA

Local Woodlands, Boothwyn, Pennsylvania, USA
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Registered: February 2007
Posts: 1
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On Sunday, my friend and I went into the woods behind the development playground and picked up trash. There was a lot of trash that seemed to have been littered there for a long period of time. We also found many glass bottles along the tiny stream that runs through the woods. I thought it was fun. My friend and I, saw rabbits and squirrels scurrying everywhere looking for food. We saw many types of plants, including a type of big stinky plant that looked like cabbage, poison ivy, thorn bushes, and many others. It was also difficult at times because there were thick layers of leaves and pine needles on the ground, making it hard to see trash. However, in the end, we collected 2 trash bags full of trash in just one hour.

I liked doing the cleaning the woods and picking up trash. While cleaning the woods, I knew that we were helping and cleaning the environment. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to help the environment. I learned many things during this project. I think cleaning the wilderness is very important for the animals and plants that live there. Trash and litter kills animals and plant life. In order to preserve the wildlife, we must clean it. I think we did a good job in doing so. We helped clean the environment and helped save animals and plants.

Photo courtesy of USDA (Northeastern Area) website.
· Date: March 16, 2007 · Views: 10042 · File size: 68.5kb, 353.4kb · : 960 x 720 ·
Hours Volunteered: 10
Volunteers: 2
Authors Age & Age Range of Volunteers: 15
Area Restored for Native Wildlife (hectares): 1
Trash Removed/Recycled from Environment (kg): 25
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