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Nicodemus Wilderness Project


NWP Global Registry of Apprentice Ecologists - Manhattan Beach Park, Brooklyn, New York, USA

Manhattan Beach Park, Brooklyn, New York, USA
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Registered: February 2007
Posts: 1
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Our clean-up project in Manhattan Beach, Brooklyn was really a family affair. It was my idea to pick up litter near the Manhattan Beach, which was only a 15 minute walk from my house, and I was able to convince my sister and cousin to help me in this venture. It was a summer afternoon and an oppressive heat wave was passing through New York the entire week, raising temperatures up to 95 degrees and above. Therefore it was an ideal time to take a trip to the beach to enjoy the scenic environment and cool waters.

The Manhattan Beach area was originally home to the Manhattan Beach Hotel, which was demolished in 1911 after financial hardships. In turn, real estate developer, Joseph P. Day found an opportunity to redesign Manhattan Beach as an exclusive community decorated with beautiful mini-mansions. As we walked through the neighborhood, I noticed that the surrounding properties around the beach were indeed gorgeous, but it is also important to remember that the beaches need to be equally vibrant. After all, these shores are natural fixtures in the land and exist long before people began constructing the first homes in Manhattan Beach.

When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to feel the burning of our soles by the heated sand. Nevertheless, we put on our latex gloves for protection and began to gather trash along the beach among all the sunbathers. We mostly found candy wrappers, lost playing cards, soda cans, drink containers, even corn cobs and a slipper. We were pleasantly pleased with the fact that the beach was quite clean and hope that our work that day helped improved its condition even better than it was before.

During our walk around the beach to collect litter, we mostly saw flocks of seagulls hovering above the people relaxing on the sand. Afterward, we were able to join them and enjoy the beach as well. At one point, it was entertaining to watch a family throwing bread up to the seagulls, who caught the crumbs in mid-air. Then we were also able to go into the cool and crisp water that was a lovely relief of the hazy weather. It was fun to splash around and just take pleasure of the wide expanse of the beach, uninhibited by metal buildings and busy traffic. I think that is why it is so significant and vital to protect natural lands whether they are beaches, forests, lakes, etc. They provide a wonderful escape from our modern and stressful lives, especially in a place like New York City.
· Date: March 14, 2007 · Views: 10154 · File size: 11.0kb, 29.7kb · : 480 x 360 ·
Hours Volunteered: 15
Volunteers: 3
Authors Age & Age Range of Volunteers: 15 to 18
Area Restored for Native Wildlife (hectares): 1.5
Trash Removed/Recycled from Environment (kg): 30
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