Nicodemus Wilderness Project
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Nicodemus Wilderness Project


NWP Global Registry of Apprentice Ecologists - Casas Park, Hialeah, Florida, USA

Casas Park, Hialeah, Florida, USA


Registered: February 2007
City/Town/Province: Miami, Miami-Dade County
Posts: 3
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“Frank I want to do a litter cleanup project with you” my best friend, Daniela, stated. Well, this Saturday (February 11, 2006), that thought came into action. I decided to perform the next litter cleanup project at the Casas Park, located approximately two blocks away from my house (exact location is 7900 W 80 St.). The park has a beautiful view and on the side, it has a fun house where anyone can play pool or tennis. When we first entered the park, Daniela did not believe it was contaminated at all. However, once we started to pick up every small piece of article we encountered, she yelled “Wow, I never knew it was this dirty; it seemed clean!” I laughed and told her that it’s ironic on how much garbage one can find in a sanitary-looking area like the Casas Park. She was surprised when we found cans, chip bags, used cigarettes, Gatorade bottles, plastic cups and plates, MacDonald bags, napkins, and other items.

Time after time, we picked up more and more litter. The bag began to accumulate and we were excited to see the difference we were making. In particular, Daniela felt as if she was making a huge difference and was really happy. “Frank, I am glad I did this community service project…I feel great and I have pride to say I made a difference today.” She giggled with such joy and made me feel pleased.

The Casas Park is very appealing, and it is wonderfully decorated with trees and benches. It has a soccer field, a basketball field, and a playground. People always seem to be jogging, playing ball, or sliding on the playground because the park functions in many ways. The Casa Park was built three years ago and ever since then, it has served as a great contribution from the state to its people. I enjoy going to the park weekly to do laps and release stress.

During the end of our day, Daniela and I had a great experience. We showed gratitude towards our work and considered it to be a mission well completed. We are filled whenever we perform volunteer projects, such as this one. It’s a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction. We finished by informing others about the Apprentice Ecologist Initiative™ and persuading them to perform this excellent volunteer opportunity. For the most part, I am proud to be contributing to my community and providing a hand to the ecosystem.
Date: March 8, 2007 Views: 11979 File size: 39.3kb : 133 x 207
Hours Volunteered: 10
Volunteers: 2
Authors Age & Age Range of Volunteers: 17 to 18
Area Restored for Native Wildlife (hectares): 1
Trash Removed/Recycled from Environment (kg): 25
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Registered: September 2015
City/Town/Province: parachinar kurram agency khyber pukhtoonkhwa fata
Posts: 1
September 30, 2015 8:22am

Very nice; I want to work as a volunteer in this project if I was given a chance.